Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Little Fish Who Swam to the Big Ocean

Once upon a time, there was a fish named George. He lived in the water, as all fish do but something was different about George, he did not like the  water. He swam and swam around in the water, and every place he swam, he would find something that he did not like. First, he said that the rocks were to big, then he said that the rocks were too small. Nothing would please  him. The other fish in his school, all fish belong to a school, would try to cheer him up. They did not understand why he was unhappy. They loved swimming around in the shallow water and being together.
The school lived in the inter-coastal waters of South Florida. This water  was full of life and warmth. There was always plenty of food and activity and there was never a dull moment for these fish. However, for some reason, George felt restless and discontent and he wanted more. One  day, a big, old and wise fish came to visit his school. He listened intently. The old and wise one was telling of vast waters and limitless swimming. He was telling of great whales and big fish. He was also telling about  great light and darkness. Suddenly George wanted to experience this too. The other fish in his school were not interested but George was eager. He swam with the big fish towards these vast waters with great  dreams. He did not know where he was going but he trusted the older and wiser fish..

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