Thursday, September 9, 2010


Mitty slept peacefully in the comfortable basket.  It was full  of her boys' socks and clothes.  It was in a small room right next to the eating area. The sound of footsteps awoke her.  Swiftly, she jumped out of the basket and hurried into the other room. The tall boy and the gentle boy dashed into the room, sat down at the table and began eating. Mitty began playing with their shoe strings. But they ate quickly and dashed outside. Mitty followed them. The tall boy called out to her "Gotta go to school girl.  We'll see ya later."  Sadly she watched them disappear inside a huge orange bus.  Mitty didn't understand and she didn't want to wait until later.
"Hello, my friend."  Mitty heard a small voice and  looked up to see Rita the robin flying overhead.
 "Hi, Rita," Mitty called to her. "Do you want to play today?"
Rita flew down and landed beside her good friend.  "I  can't right now.  I'm building something very special and I promise to show it to you in a couple of days."  Rita saw the disappointed expression on Mitty's face. "Why don't you go visit Kitty Gidget. We haven't seen her in a while."
"Yea," Mitty agreed.  She loved Gidget.  Gidget was a very grown up kitty and she always taught Mitty about life.  "OK, Rita.  I'll see you later." Mitty dashed towards Gidgets house.  Rita waved her small brown wing goodbye.
When Mitty arrived at Gidgets, she went to the back window and  meowed as loud as she could.  A nice man let her in.  She looked high and low but she could not find Gidget.  Using her keen since of smell she found her upstairs in a dark closet. She was asleep in a beautiful pink box on a fluffy white blanket. Slowley Gidget's eyes opened.
 "Well hello, Mitty.  I wasn't expecting you."  Her voice was unusually soft.
"I thought I'd see if you wanted to play, " Mitty asked.
"I'm sorry, but I can't play for a while."
"But, I want to play now." Mitty said unhappily.
Gidget held Mitty's paw.  "Sometimes in our lives we just have to wait.  I know being patient can be difficult but the rewards can be wonderful too. Come see me again in a few days and I'll have a surprise to show you." Her voice was barely a whisper.
Mitty felt worried about her.  "OK, you take care of  yourself."  Mitty tip toed out of the room, down the stairs and to the back door.  The man let her out.  Now she was feeling very lonely. Why, oh why did the boys have to go on the bus?  What was Rita up to?  And most of all, why did Kitty Gidget want to stay in that box?
Over the next few days, Mitty followed the mommy around the house  and watched all the curious things she did.  It proved to be quite interesting. She was a very nice lady.  One morning after Mitty ate her breakfast she noticed that the boys still weren't awake.  She dashed up to their room and jumped in the bed with them and kissed them. The laughed and hugged her tightly. The smaller boy got a small string and played with Mitty for the longest time. Mitty was happy. She followed the boys to the eating area and tickled their toes as they ate. Unexpectedly, she heard loud chirping outside.  She ran to the door and meowed. The mommy let her out.
"Over here Mitty, over here," Rita shouted as she flew  gracefully through the air. She circled the large oak tree. "Up here, climb on up. I have something to show you."

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