Thursday, September 9, 2010

The dogs and the lion

In the village called Aropur…
By the side of Bigga pond lived two most clever dogs called Chattu and Mattu.Once they strayed into the nearby forest where lived the big Lion.
Lion was hungry and tired looking for easy prays. The moment he saw them he prepared himself to eat the dogs. Said the lion-“now I shall pray upon you and have my much awaited lunch.”
Chattu the cleverer of them gathering all his courage and said -“ dear lion please eat me first and let my brother Mattu go home.”
Countered Mattu “ dear lion Chattu is still young and can never satisfy your hunger, eat me and let my brother Chattu go home.”
The lion was hungry and became angry at their words but he was soon calmed by the cooperative attitude of dogs. Said Chattu-“there is way out I and Mattu shall take a round of the pond and one who returns first to you shall become your first pray. Lion agreed and the two dogs left quickly.
Lion waited and waited, hungry as he was he could not wait any longer and started roaring loudly.
An old elephant was passing nearby and hearing the lion came and asked the lion as to why was he so upset. Lion narrated the whole incidence.
The old elephant was smiling, lion became even more upset and asked the elephant “why are you laughing?”
Said the old elephant “dear lion don’t you know that the dogs live across the Bigga pond and that they have returned to their masters.”
The clever dogs fooled lion.
Hanging his head down the lion returned to deep forest and decided to eat once again by hunting and not by begging.

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