Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brown Dog

Prince Spencer and Princess Maddie of the Kingdom of Space Land went to their father King Chris and their mom Queen Nannie at the SpaceLandCastle.
They told their father the King Chris and their mom Queen Nannie that they wanted a doggie.  Not just any of kind of dog but they wanted a Little Brown Barking Dog.
Their father the King was a good father and Queen Nannie was a very good mommy.  They were pleased that the Prince and Princess wanted to get a Little Brown Barking Dog.   The King told the Prince and Princess that they could get a Little Brown Barking Dog.
The King sent for his King’s Dog keeper and told him to go into the town to find a Little Brown Barking Dog and bring it back to the palace for Princess Maddie and Prince Spencer. 
The King’s Dog keeper was a nice man named Mr.  Happy.  He was always as happy as his name said. 
“I will find the best Little Brown Barking Dog in the Kingdom of Space Land and bring it here to live with the Prince and Princess at the castle. 
The King told his Dog keeper Mr.  Happy to take along Prince Spencer and Princess Maddie to find a Little Brown Barking Dog for the castle.
Off they went into the town.  They went to the Space Land Pet Store.  The King’s Dog keeper Mr.  Happy followed by the Prince and Princess went into the Space Land Pet Store.  They went up to the Space Land Pet Store owner and the King’s Dog keeper Mr.  Happy spoke with the Space Land Pet Store owner.  “My good fellow I am here to get a Little Brown Barking Dog for the Prince and the Princess.”
“Umm…I do not have a Little Brown Barking Dog but I do have a Large Green Croaking Frog.”
The King’s Dog keeper spoke, “No thank you sir.  The Prince and Princess do not want a Large Green Croaking Frog but they want a Little Brown Barking Dog.  Can you tell us where to get a Little Brown Barking Dog?.”
The Pet Shop owner said, “I do not know where to get a Little Brown Barking Dog.  You may find a Little Brown Barking Dog at the King’s Royal Doggie Park.  They have a lot of Barking Dogs there”.
Off they went to the King’s Royal Doggie Park to find a Little Brown Barking Dog.
At the King’s Royal Doggie Park there were many dogs jumping and running.  The dogs were having fun.  The King’s Royal Dog keeper Mr.  Happy looked around and he spotted a Little Brown Barking Dog.  The Little Brown Barking Dog was running and jumping and playing in the King’s Royal Doggie Park.  The King’s Royal Dog keeper Mr.  Happy asked the woman owner of this Little Brown Barking Dog if she would give the dog to the Prince and Princess to take to the castle.  The woman said she would love to give the dog to the Prince and Princess.  But she told Mr.  Happy that she had the Little Brown Barking Dog since it was a puppy.  The woman would be very sad to give her Little Brown Barking Dog away.  She told them” I know of a place where there were many dogs.  The place was the Royal Doggie Shop”.  She told them that the dogs were there for anyone to take.
 “All that you need is a nice owner and a nice place for the dog to live and they will give you a nice doggie.” She said.
“I know you are right.  We will go to the Royal Doggie Shop and get a Little Brown Barking Dog” The King’s Royal Dog keeper Mr.  Happy told her.  He thanked the woman for her help
“We shall go there now.” He said.
Off Mr.  Happy, The Prince Spencer and Princess Maddie went to the Royal Doggie Shop.
They went to the Royal Doggie Shop quickly.  It was very near the King’s Royal Doggie Park.
They went into the Royal Doggie Shop.  Mr.  Happy, Prince Spencer and Princess Madison were very happy to find it was full of dogs.  There were big dogs, small dogs, black and white dogs, white and black dogs, there were tall skinny dogs, and little short dogs.  There were jumpy dogs and there were sleepy dogs resting in their beds.  Prince Spencer and Princess Maddie had never seen so many dogs in one place.
At first they did not find a Little Brown Barking Dog so they asked the King’s Royal Doggie Shop Man about it.  “Sir, do you have a Little Brown Barking Dog that we could take to the castle to live with us?” asked the children.
“Why yes I do have such a Little Brown Barking Dog.  If you like her then you can take her back to the King’s castle with you.  This Little Brown Barking Dog is very special.  He does two tricks.  One trick he can do is he can carry a ball in his mouth and walk around with it.  The other trick he does is that he goes to the door each day is to get the mail at the door from the Postman and bring it to me.  He gets the mail from the Postman’s hand and brings it to me from the door.  This Little Brown Barking Dog is very smart because you cannot teach a dog to get the mail from the Postman.  It is a very special trick that only he can do.  The Little Brown Barking Dog will be happy at the castle living with you.” The Royal Doggie Shop Man then put the Little Brown Barking Dog in a doggie box and handed it to the King’s Royal Dogkeeper to carry back to the castle.
Off went Prince Spence, Princess Maddie, and Mr.  Happy back to the Royal Castle to show King Chris and Queen Nannie the Little Brown Barking Dog they had found.  They knew their family would be pleased to get a dog who could do two special tricks.
They set the doggie box in front of King Chris and opened the top.  The Little Brown Barking Dog and he naturally started running and barking.
The King Chris laughed loudly and exclaimed, “I declare today Little Brown Barking Dog day in the Space Land Kingdom.  I want everyone to have a great day.”  The Little Brown Barking Dog then ran toward the Castle door to await the Postman bringing in the daily mail.
The Prince and Princess invited all the children in the Space Land Kingdom to come to the castle to see their Little Brown Barking Dog.
Queen Nannie decorated the castle very special for the party and welcomed the children when they came to the party.
Princess Maddie wanted to name the Little Brown Barking Dog.  Prince Spencer asked the Court Jester -- Royal Nave named Brandon of Burgoyne what a good name for the Little Brown Barking Dog should be.  Nave Brandon of Burgoyne thought for a moment and said, “I once had a fine hunting dog named GiGi the Fine dog.  I don’t think you should give her the exact same name so let’s just call her Gigi the Little Brown Barking Dog.”  The children laughed and agreed.  They both said together, “Yes, it’s a good name and we will call it-- GigiThe Little Brown Barking Dog.”
At this point the many children at the party gathered around Prince Spencer, Princess Maddie, King Chris, Queen Nannie, Mr.  Happy and his wife Mrs.  Honey, and Court Jester Nave Andrew and they all sang a little song to Riles The Little Brown Barking Dog:
            “I wanted a Little Brown Barking Dog so I went to the Pet Store and
            I asked the Pet Store Man—do you have a Little Brown Barking Dog.
            No, he said—I don’t have a Little Brown Barking Dog; but I have a Green
            Croaking Frog.
I told him that I didn’t want a Green Croaking Frog but I wanted a Little Brown Barking Dog;
I went to the The Doggie Park and found a woman with a Little Brown Barking Dog;
I asked her if she would give me the Little Brown Barking Dog; She said no that she had to keep her Little Brown Barking Dog;
I went to the man at the Doggie Shop and asked the man: Do you have
A Little Brown Barking Dog?;
He said “Yes I have a Little Brown Barking Dog and he has two tricks.”
He said “You can have her to keep and he will do two tricks.”
I am so happy now that I have a Little Brown Barking Dog and not a Green Croaking Frog.”

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