Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Feelings of Butterflies

 Once upon a time, in a place not looked upon often was a beautiful butterfly whose name was Cassie. Cassie had many friends and was a very social butterfly. She was the best of friends with Talia the squirrelsquirrel and MJ the rabbitbunny2 though.

Across the way lived a catepillar named T.C., who was also friends with MJ and Talia, and they came to visit him often and talk. Although the catepillar and butterfly were friends with these two woodland creatures, their paths had never cross...until now.

 T.C. was out and about looking for the perfect twig to start his new home, but nothing seemed right. Cassie was fluttering around lookng for the perfect flower to land on and take a nap. CRASH! The butterfly and catepillar bumped into each other, and quite hard.butterfly-caterpillar

 "I'm sorry," T.C. muttered, "I didn't see you."

"No no," said Cassie quickly, "I suppose I should have been looking at where I was going."

 They started talking and T.C. quickly got a crush on Cassie, but believed because he was only a catepillar that she could never feel the same. He decided he would find the best spot closest to where he was and get ready for his long nap. Things were changing! But, little did he know that Cassie had seen him from afar a week before and was trying to find out the perfect way to start talking to him. She was also devolping her own feelings for T.C.

 The next night, in T.C. new home he slept.

And slept.

And slept.

And slept for two more weeks.

And then awoke. He felt very cramped and needed to get out. He started breaking through his caccoon and finally! He submerged and hold on tightly with his foot. He felt very strange. He almost felt like he had...wings? Could it be? Was he now a butterfly? He worked his wings and was flying!!! He headed off to the lake to look at his reflection.

It was true! He was a butterfly! He was a very handsome one indeed.bflyWHT

Just then he saw Cassie across the lake and knew it was time!

 Cassie hadn't seen or heard from T.C. in quite a while. She had asked MJ and Talia, but they hadn't seen him either. She went to the lake to sit and think and say a very handsome looking butterfly across the lake. She made no moves to go over because she missed T.C. very much and didn't want anyone but T.C.

 "Hi Cassie," said T.C.

Cassie looked up at the butterfly thinking she heard T.C.'s voice. She squinted and gasped, "T.C.? Is that really you? I've been worried about you, and I've missed you very much!"

"Yea? Well, I want to tell you.."

"Yes...?" Cassie said eagerly.

"I really like you." T.C. admitted

Cassie was estactic at hearing this and they flew off together and traveled around the world. They fell in love quickly, as butterflies do, and lived happily every after.
"It's Not Who I Am Underneath, But What I Do That Defines Me."

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